Creates Sperm Bank

It’s been a while since our last post regarding the openly douchey dating site If you recall, they were slammed by critics everywhere (including yours truly) for expelling some 5,000 members for putting on weight after the holidays. Which is SUPER douchey. Apparently, Founder Robert Hintze said, “Letting fatties roam the site is a direct threat to our business model and the very concept for which was founded.”
Anyway, the superficial dating site is making headlines again by opening its own fertility clinic, a service that connects those looking for sperm and egg donations to the so-called elite crowd of donors. Which means we can add another group of people to the douchey list: people who go to to find sperm and egg donors. “BAH, intelligence and personality be damned, I just want my kid to have a decent hip to waist ratio or a Brad Pit jawline. Gotta keep your priorities in check!”
The only hilarious thing that could come out of this is a whole generation of kids suffering from hot-parents-ugly-kids syndrome. That’ll show em.
Full story at Mashable