Are They Really Cute, Or Do You Have “Office Goggles”?

There’s a new guy or gal in the cubicle a few down from you, and damn are they cute… or are they? If you’re crushing on a coworker, it might be time to consider if they’re actually as attractive as you think, or if you just have “office goggles.” Via NY post:
A bubble-busting relationship expert warns that your NSFW fondness of Phil or Felicia from Accounting might not be real love.
“You’ve heard about beer goggles,” began dating podcaster Molly, from London, in a buzzy TikTok bulletin. “But let’s talk about office goggles.”
Molly suggests that being at a job site for over 40 hours a week can make even the most dowdy pencil-pushers look like Mr. or Mrs. Right.
“Next time you [go out for after work] drinks on a Thursday night, a couple of glasses of cheap Sauvignon Blanc down,” she said, “I beg you, I implore you [to] just take 30 seconds, step back and think to yourself, ‘If I saw him on the street, would I actually like him?.’”
Thinking of turning your cubicle neighbor for a roll in the hay? Take Molly’s advice, and think twice!