Always End Up In the Friend Zone? Here Are 3 Tips.

We’ve all been there. It’s the end of the night, you had a great time with a girl you’re crushing on. You go in for the liplock and BAM, rejected. “I just kinda think of you as a friend,” she says. WOMP WOMPPPPP. Ending up in the friend zone can be a bummer, but don’t sweat it! Here are three tips to help you navigate that tricky territory:
- Don’t Keep ‘Em Guessing: If you’re crushing on someone, don’t wait forever to spill the beans. Be upfront and let ’em know you’re interested in more than just friendship. It’s better to be honest early on so they don’t see you only as a buddy .
- Build That Connection: If you want to be more than just a friend, work on getting to know them on a deeper level. Show interest in what they’re into, have those heart-to-heart convos, and let your personality shine. Be the kind of person they’d want to date! This also might mean taking a hard look at your physical self – possibly upgrade your exercise routine, clothes, and hygiene and aesthetic products to those that a woman would be into.
- Respect Their Feelings: If they’re not feeling the same way, it’s cool. Respect their decision and don’t try to pressure them into anything or you’ll go from “friend” to “creep”. You can still be friends, but it’s okay to take some space if you need to get your head straight. Pick up a rebound by meeting a lady that’s DTF on OBC Dating. DL the app on iOS or Android today!