ADHD and Sex

When you think of ADD and ADHD, you probably think of young kids and teens struggling to pay attention and learn in school. However, it turns out that these disorders also affect adults, both in their work AND person lives – including their sexual experiences. Via BuzzFeed:
While many people with ADHD have sex lives that might not be that much different from non-ADHD folks, sometimes, an individual’s ADHD can actually affect their experience, points out Stephen Snyder, MD, a sex therapist based in New York City.
“We’re supposed to be, you know, enjoying this, and I need to act like I’m enjoying it even though I need to do the laundry and dishes — and that deadline for work is tomorrow,” says Sarah Potter, who is 33 and a marketing consultant and mental health advocate in Phoenix, Arizona. “And the distractibility and rabbit-hole conversation I have in my mind during sex can really impact my attention during it. I’m thinking of, like, 500 other things that totally have nothing to do with what I’m doing right now.”
Yikes! It turns out that in other cases, people with ADHD may also be EXTREMELY horny at times and unable to focus on anything else, may seek out sex more often while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and may find they are easily distracted by their senses while in bed – for example the smell of something in the room or the feel of the sheets.
Bottom line, if you or your partner have ADHD, be compassionate and sensitive with yourself or them. And head over to BuzzFeed for more info on this interesting topic.