A Game of ‘Who’s Dumber’?
In case this morning’s ridiculous recap of Felix Baumgartner’s 128,000 ft Red Bull jump wasn’t enough to get your blood pressure up, here are two instructional videos showing what to if living just isn’t really your thing.
First, we have this lovely clip, where a couple guys decide to try out a new base jumping trick – flying off a homemade high bar into the infinite abyss. Unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned (although even if they HAD gone as planned it would still be dumb), and the high bar collapses, sending one base jumper into the infinitely more injured abyss. (He survived, miraculously)
And then there’s this video, wherein we learn why teenagers should be locked up and never allowed to leave their homes ever. This teen girl decided to stick her head out a train window for a picture, but as in the earlier video, THINGS DID NOT GO AS PLANNED. Instead, her head almost gets lopped off by an oncoming train. Luckily she pulled it in just milliseconds before the train crosses, although I bet she won’t be doing anything like that ever again. Or she will. She probably will. Teenagers are dumb.
As always, it’s up to you… high bar base jumper or teenager on train – who’s dumber?
October 20, 2012 @ 3:00 am
Are you kidding me? Cliff dive of course!!! Has Wile-E-Coyote taught us nothing?!?!