Vintage STD Ads
It’s often said that today’s journalism and advertising is all propaganda. Like, blah blah blah Fox News blah blah blah Victoria’s Secret is telling women to be anorexic. But in all honesty, if you compare the world we live in today to the 1940s, you’d think we lived in some sort of perfect, honest Utopia.
Back then, everyone from Communist Russia to China and Hitler-run Germany partook in some insane form of propaganda, in every industry from big government to even children’s cartoons. Even America dabbled in some blatantly false propaganda, especially when it came to soldier morale… and sex was not exempt. Buzzfeed uncovered some gems from WWII era, and they’re pretty funny. Take this ad, below:
98%, huh? We’re gonna bet that might be just a TAD exaggerated.
And how about this one:
I kind of like this one… I think I’m going to start saying it to my friends when they’re popping ibuprofen after a drunken hook up. “There’s no medicine for regret, you know.” Actually that’s not true. Booze works pretty well.
And then there is this gem:
Jeez, based on these posters you’d think all the women back then were hookers or something. HOWEVER, I will from now on be referring to hook ups as “sex relations.” Sounds much more classy. “Ohhh girl, I had the HOTTEST sex relation last night! DAMNNN!”
Check out more hilarious STD propaganda ads at Buzzfeed.
July 18, 2011 @ 10:36 am
re: “Jeez, based on these posters you’d think all the women back then were hookers or something. ”
Duh! These ads ARE warning military guys not to sleep with prostitutes. That’s the whole point!
But, seeing as how it’s the 1940s, no one can just come out and say “prostitute” on a poster. But what else do you think “procurable women” are? The word on one poster is “procurable”, as in purchasable, not “available” as in free from other commitments.