USC Student Goes at it on the Roof!
In what is simultaneously awesome and sorta kinda douche-ville, we recently learned of a viral story about a USC Kappa Sigma member who was photographed having VERY public sex. As in, “on the edge at the top of the highest building on campus during a massive sorority philanthropy event in broad daylight” public.
The nameless college dude, who is rumored to be in the Kappa Sigma fraternity, was photographed from the adjacent freshman dorms in VARIOUS positions of coitus. Those photographs were immediately posted to the social networking site Reddit, and then spread to the internet world at large.The rest of the set, assuming they have not been deleted yet, can be seen here.
The daring sex-capade comes just weeks after investigations began regarding a Kappa Sigma circulated e-mail, in which the author called the fraternity members “Cocksmen” and made several misogynistic and racist remarks in its 5 page entirety. Although the high-rise booty call’s participants have yet to be identified, we’re sure this story is not over.
We’ll keep you updated, and meanwhile you can wallow in the fact that your sex life will never be this exciting.
March 29, 2011 @ 11:44 pm
Does anyone have her phone number?