Awful or Awesome: Breast Milk Ice Cream
Well, my creepy friend’s wish has come true: and no, not that they would make a Gummi Bears live-action film…
A London based restaurant called Icecreamists has made breast milk ice cream. The dessert, which was produced by women answering an ad on a pregnant mothers’ forum, is called Baby Gaga, and sells for about $22.50 a serving. The first batch produced sold out in just a couple days, which I suppose answers my original question: it is indeed awesome.
According to Matt O’Connor, the man behind the strange concoction, said he doesn’t understand why people would feel squeamish about consuming breast milk. “If it’s good enough for our children, it’s good enough for the rest of us,” he said. “Some people will hear about it and go yuck — but actually it’s pure organic, free-range and totally natural.” Um, yeah, okay. Except for two things. One – it’s NEWBORN INFANTS, not children. They are not little walking versions of adults, they’re basically little crawling parasites who still have their feeding tubes attached. And two – “natural” is a fairly questionable term here. What exactly is natural? Because if you asked me it would not be having women you’ve never met pump breast milk out of themselves into your Haagen Daaz.
Now if the women had been drinking a bunch of booze recently, on the other hand, and you made alcoholic ice cream, well… you may have something there.