Awful or Awesome: Booty Call Music Video
This is one of those music videos where, despite complaining the entire time, I watched through to the very end. It’s by “The Midnight Beast,” who I both A) have never heard of and B) am somewhat creeped out by, but something about the ADD-like cut scenes and barely-legal teens in this made me sit through until the very last second, right before I stated, “that’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”
However, it’s a pretty hilarious song, and even though many of the British references went a little over my head, I have to admit these three little dorks kinda grew on me.
Check out the video below and let us know what you think? Awful, or awesome?
February 17, 2011 @ 4:25 am
since you’ve never heard of Midnight Beast, you MUST watch this video: