A Totally Unbiased Review of Google for Weddings
Let’s just get this straight really quick: I am not an embittered, angry old maid who hates marriage because she believes she will never get married because no man will ever put up with her cats in scarves addiction, okay? I just think that business of marriage (not unlike the business of Christmas, the business of Valentine’s Day, and the business of baby having) has been turned into a big dollar sign, with all the emotional meaning of said holidays completely stomped out like the fire in that Asian kid’s crotch.
That being said, Google’s new feature “Google for Weddings” is hilarious. It seems as though they had a bunch of new features ready to unveil, and needed a pretty bow to wrap around them all. That bow, of course, is WEDDINGS OMG WEDDINGS! The new features, which include the photo-editing program Picnik and
are surely high quality, as are all Google products, but they’re just that – Google products. They tout Google Docs, Google Sites, and Picasa albums as great wedding planning and sharing tools, but let’s be honest, all of those features could be used for any other event, like say, a funeral. Which, unlike weddings, have a 99.9% success rate (you never know.). But of course, as the most “romantic” day of the year comes around, and they have conveniently jumped on the train and will probably ride it to Moneyzville.
We at BCU have kindly created a mock up of what we think would work better: