Elin to Get $750 million in Divorce
Hey BCU readers! Let’s play a little game of trivia, shall we? It’s going to be SO FUN and also VERY EDUCATIONAL. I’m going to say an amount of money, and you guess who is about to receive said amount of money! Easy peasey!
The amount is…
750 million dollars.
And your options are,
a) Those affected by the Gulf Coast tragedies, such as Katrina and subsequent hurricanes and also the herculean hole in the ocean that is pumping millions and millions of tons of toxic oil into the water, killing off animals and most of the seafood industry and by association the infrastructure of an already lower-class region.
b) Families of soldiers fighting overseas who have been without their mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters and loved ones and could very well end up losing them forever to fight in a war that is costing the American public hundreds of millions of dollars every single day.
c) The education system of the United States, which despite our tremendous wealth continually falls in the bottom percentile of the world; and the teachers that put their souls into underpaid, over-worked, and under-appreciated job that is teaching our children with a budget lower than is even remotely plausible.
d) A rich lady whose rich husband cheated on her with some strippers and porn stars.
Did you guess D? If you did, you’re correct, because Elin Nordegren is receiving $750 million from Tiger Woods in their divorce settlement, including 3 (THREE) of their homes.
Boy oh boy, marriage is surely the most honorable of our institutions, isn’t it?
Marriage is Obsolete, Says 40% of the Population | Booty Call U
November 19, 2010 @ 11:27 am
[…] Alimony. It’s an actual word referencing the fact that even if you GET DIVORCED, you have to keep “maintaining” or “supporting” your spouse. WTF. And let’s say you decide to pick up a skill that makes you the highest paid athlete of all time, your alimony could be, I don’t know, $750 MILLION. […]