“Twi-hards” are “Nut-jobs”
I’ve waited in line for longer than 3 hours for a movie once in my life. I was 16 years old, and I waited about 4 hours for the first midnight showing, and I was dressed as Hermione Granger. Let me go ahead and admit that now before I make fun of all the idiots in line 96 hours early, for the third installment of the Twilight franchise.
96 hours. 96 HOURS. That’s… (hold on, gotta grab a calculator) 4 days early, for the premiere of Eclipse, the third Twilight movie to come out in 2 years, which I’m sure means it’s going to be an AWESOME movie. Right? RIGHT? I mean, with a series which centers around a hundred-year-old sparkly vampire (?) who loves an awkward boring teenager (sure) whose also in like with a werewolf (WHAT?), can you really make a bad movie? I think not, Roger Ebert.
Truth is, middle schoolers are expected to have unrestrained love for these kinds of things, expecially if those things involved a beautiful perfect man-boy being in love with a self-esteemless girl like themselves, but what’s not okay is the 47 year old (not kidding) soon-to-be cat ladies, who are camped out right beside them.