New Olympic Mascots: Eerily Familiar
It wasn’t long ago that some very observant (and just as creepy) person pointed out that the logo for the 2012 Olympics in London looks a tad bit like Lisa Simpson passin’ out a BJ.
And now, after months of waiting, London has finally released the first shots of the 2012 Olympic mascots, and they are, I’m not kidding, One Eyed Monsters. Not only do they share a nickname with a certain phallic body part, but they also have a shape strikingly reminiscent of said phallic body part. Are you lost? Let me help you out. The mascots LOOK LIKE PENISES.
So here’s what it comes down to. Either the design committee for London 2012 Olympics has a hilarious, if somewhat juvenile sense of humor, or the design committee for London 2012 Olympics never went to a public school in their life. These are literally our only two options.
So what do you think? Immature or oblivious?