Why Booty Calls Are Good For You
Other than the obvious reasons to have a booty call on retainer (no gifts, meeting parents, or responsibility), there are actually surprising health benefits to having booty calls. Here are a few that made us have to pick up the phone and set up a booty call for tonight!
1. Sex relieves stress
In a study done by a group of Scottish researchers, men and women who had regular intercourse were able to deal with stressful situations better than those who did not. Doing taxes? Got a big project due for work? Blow some steam off between the sheets and you’ll be happy as a clam while you’re dealing with the stress. Did you catch the two sexual innuendos in that sentence? Muwhahaha.
2. Sex boosts immunity
Ever since the makers of Airborne came out and said their product was nothing more than a crapload of vitamin C and like, dryer lint, I’ve been looking for ways to make sure my body stays in peak health. Turns out, all you gotta do is knock boots occasionally to boost your levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody that can help you fight off cold. Best new hookup line? “Hey baby, my white blood cell count is low and I feel a cold coming on. Can you boost my IgA levels?” It sounded good in my head, I swear.
3. Sex burns calories
Screw the elliptical. You can burn 85 calories with one 30 minute session of moderately paced sexin’! Way more fun than running on a treadmill, and you’ll get the eye candy of your booty call instead of an old womans sweaty ass in light-blue denim jeans.
4. Sex reduces pain
Yep, you heard it heart first- when you get some booty, your levels of endorphins increase, thus declining any pain in your body. Maybe your hard workout makes you feel like you can barely move, but man up and hop in the sack and you’ll forget all about those tight hamstrings.
5. Sex reduces prostate cancer risk
Prostate cancer is no joke. 1 in 6 men will be diagnosed with the disease, but there have been many new facts to come out that can help your fight against it, and one of them happens to be ejaculation. No, you didn’t read that wrong- making several… ::ahem:: emissions a week can lower your chance of prostate cancer by a third! Now that’s a reason to get your booty call list out now!
Get all the facts at WebMD