Would You Use “Delay Spray”?
We’ve talked many times about premature ejaculation and the many ways people try to minimize the embarrassing bedroom debacle. Now, there’s a new product on the market that claims to be able to help guys, er, GO THE DISTANCE.
Lots of dudes have trouble lasting for the full circa 20 minutes it takes the average lady to reach orgasm, but fortunately for you, there’s a product for that, and it’s Promescent’s Delay Spray. Yes, delay spray, to ahem, delay the spray, if you will.
So what is Delay Spray, exactly? It’s basically a high-tech numbing solution that only takes a couple of spritzes (everyone is different, so maybe test out your ideal number before partner-play) to take effect. According to Promescent, “the premature ejaculation spray is absorbed into nerve cells just below the skin and temporarily restricts the flow of ions through nerve cells slowing down their rate of signaling.” So basically, Delay Spray is the physical manifestation of thinking about your mom so you don’t cum, and according to thousands of satisfied customers, “it works really well”.
Well, we’ll try anything once so… *adds to cart*