Do Penises Look Bigger in Summer?
Memorial Day is considered the (unofficial) start of summer, and here in San Diego the sun has broken through the haze, beaches are becoming busier, and people are starting to realize they maaaaybe should have been taking better care of their bodies in the cold of winter.
BUT there may be some reprieve from the constant body-consciousness of the season – according to some men, their junk might look bigger in the summer!
As the temperature rises, some men swear the heat has a flattering effect on their peens, adding inches in length and girth down below. Last July, Mel Magazine reporter Tracy Moore gave a name to this peculiar seasonal phenomenon: summer penis.
“Summer penis is a temporary dick fluctuation that, thanks to the heat and warmth, gives you a months-long leg-up on shaft size,” she wrote, citing anecdotes from various men. “It’d be like if a woman’s boobs suddenly got huge from May to August.”
In a world of growers and showers, consider it nature’s way of bringing some equality to packages everywhere.
Aaron Spitz, a urologist and author of “The Penis Book: A Doctor’s Complete Guide to the Penis,” initially scoffed at the idea.
“My first reaction was, ‘Oh, boy, here we go again with obsession over size,’” he told us. However, Spitz did admit there could be some truth to the phenomenon.
“It makes sense to me because of the underlying mechanism of how a man’s penis can expand and contract in size,” he said. “The size of the penis can increase and decrease as a result of the relaxation or contraction of the many tiny blood vessels that comprise the inside of the shaft of the penis.”
Warmth, he said, “increases relaxation of these blood vessels, which increases the blood flow through them, filling out the penis more and giving it a longer, fuller appearance.” (In short, more heat = better blood flow.)
So there ya go! You might not have lost those inches around your waist, but maybe you gained them in your manhood. Silver lining, y’all!