Bride Presents Father With Certificate of Virginity
and also
Via Jezebel:
When she was 13, Brelyn Bowman made a commitment to her father to remain “pure” until her wedding day. That day arrived on October 10th, and in order to celebrate her wedding and prove to her father that she stayed true to her promise, Brelyn presented him with a certificate from her doctor, one that proves she’s still a virgin with an intact hymen.
We repeat,
Someone might want to have a chat with Pastor Bowman and remind him that A) it’s 2015, not the Stone Age, B) hymens can tear from MANY DIFFERENT ACTIVITIES no way related to sexual intercourse, and C) he has absolutely NO BUSINESS knowing the state of his daughter’s sexual organs, because that is f*&%ing gross.
October 25, 2015 @ 10:41 am
EWWWWWW doesn’t begin to say it….YUCK, UGH, GROSS. If this was something she wanted to prove to her father she should have done it privately. To stand up in front of all those people, (some I’m sure she didn’t know well) and make such an announcement was not only in poor taste but had I been a guest I would certainly have gotten up and left the room. Seems to me that the parents should have taught her some decorum and not been so interested in whether or not she was a virgin. I find the whole thing incredibly disgusting.