Two phrases come to mind, and only two, 1.DAYYYYYYYYYYUMMMMM!
2.Dat ass do…
I would love to shake your daddy’s hand girl, that’s a mighty fine booty you got there, ohhhh yeah, and I want to bury my face in it too…
June 18, 2015 @
7:49 pm
wowwwww you have more curves than a racetrack…sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! find me at…w..h…i….t…e…h….o….r….s…e…s…4…yhoo
June 18, 2015 @ 9:35 pm
Two phrases come to mind, and only two, 1.DAYYYYYYYYYYUMMMMM!
2.Dat ass do…
I would love to shake your daddy’s hand girl, that’s a mighty fine booty you got there, ohhhh yeah, and I want to bury my face in it too…
June 18, 2015 @ 7:49 pm
wowwwww you have more curves than a racetrack…sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! find me at…w..h…i….t…e…h….o….r….s…e…s…4…yhoo