Hump Day Hottie: Nicole Mejia
The HEAT IS ON in San Diego (and across the US), and we are excited for weekends of sandy beaches, warm sun, and watching the ladies cruise around in nothing but string bikinis.
Of course, that probably means chicas everywhere are starting to freak out that they waited to long to lose that “stew and egg nog” winter weight, but after seeing this week’s Hump Day Hottie Nicole Mejia, we hope they go with her workout plan which has made her body #FitandThick instead of skinny and frail. Seriously, you combine her Jessica Biel-like face with thighs that could probably crush a boulder into dust and you got one of our finest Hump Day Hotties of the week yet. Check out our fave pics then head to her Instagram page for more (and ladies – go use her workout videos, cause that body is BANGIN.)