TGIBooty – Michelle Lewin
Woo WOOOOOO! Y’hear that? It’s the weekend train, coming to pick us up and take us to Weekend Country. What’s on our agenda once we arrive to Weekend Country? Not much, just drinks, nightly booty calls, and mornings spent hitting snooze and sleeping like a baby. But before we bid adieu to the work week (that bitch isĀ standing on the platform, waving a kerchief while sobbing), let’s enjoy a little dose of hard-body to finish off the day, yes?
Today we’re revisiting a favorite booty that never fails to impress. MICHELLE LEWIN, of course!
This delightful snap is from Michelle’s own Instagram page, where she shares photos on the regular of her insanely tight caboose. Sure, we always love a little sloppy, warm-like-fresh-baked-biscuits-booty, but every once in a while you need one that could break your face if she sat down too hard on it. Which we would be A-OK with.
Oh, what’s that? I think the weekend train is comin’ round the bend. See you next week!
December 25, 2014 @ 8:20 pm
You look good to me
December 22, 2014 @ 12:25 pm