Woman Had Sex Toy Stuck Inside Her For 10 Years
Time for a hearty spoonful of WTF-riday before we jet off for a week-long vacay. We know you’re gonna miss daily posts on hot chicks and weird sex news, so we thought we’d share this shocker (not THIS shocker) so next week, instead of lamenting our being missing, you can make this face and be like, “oh yeah, you left us with that. Ew.”
According to Gawker, a 38-year-old Scottish woman showed up to a local hospital to report weight loss, incontinence, and lethargy, and was alarmed to learn that although it wasn’t gonorrhea or HIV, it WAS technically a sexually-transmitted infection: she had a sex toy stuck in her vagina – and it had been stuck in there for 10 YEARS.
Via Gawker:
Surgeons at the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary removed the five-inch toy, reporting that it had caused the woman near-life-threatening damage. She had a condition called vesicovaginal fistula — a passage that allows urine to flow into the vagina — the Daily Mail reports, as well as a obstructive uropathy, which causes urine to become backed up in the kidneys.
The patient went on to explain that she remembered using the toy with a partner while drunk about a decade earlier, and didn’t remember if she’d taken it out. WELP, MYSTERY SOLVED!
PSA for the weekend: don’t drink and diddle. Well, do, but don’t forget to remove the toy. Like, seriously. Maybe do a re-con on Monday morning just to make sure.
Happy Friday, and have a fantastic next week – we’ll be back August 3rd with a vengeance!