20 Misconceptions About Sex
Happy Friday! We’re ready for the weekend and super excited for warm weather, relaxing mornings, and obviously, B-O-O-T-Y. We’ve got ours all lined up (OBC is great for keeping a long list of potential hook ups, as you know), do you? Before you head out for the weekend trolling the clubs (or the booty call lists) for your next fling, check out this video from Dr. Aaron Carroll, author of Don’t Put That in There, which debunks 20 common misconceptions about sex. That way, when some chick points out your smaller than average feet, you can give her the ACTUAL facts about how there is absolutely no correlation between the two, you BITCH.
Happy Weekending!
July 15, 2014 @ 9:09 pm
July 15, 2014 @ 9:09 pm
Now THA was edutainment!!! Thanx so much for publishing this content, BCU Girl! :-ad