Hump Day Hottie: Yaris Sanchez
We blame our little bout of hump day hottie last week forgetfulness on Memorial Day. Damn you, hot dogs and hamburgers and sweet, sweet banquet beer! You confused us on the days of the week and forced us to leave our readers without their weekly dose of curves!
Either way, we’re back this week with a super hottie to make up for it: Miss Yaris Sanchez, who according to Bossip is the lady friend of rapper Ab-Soul (who you may know from his Kendrick Lamar duet, “Rapper Shit”) But enough about him. Let’s meet Yaris (yeah, like the car. MUST RESIST “TOYOTA-SIZED ASS JOKE”)
A few months ago, Bossip reported that Yaris herself knocked up by her BF, but we doubt that’s accurate, since she’s still uploading pics on the reg of herself rocking a super flat tum and a big ol’ bootay. If you’re wondering what ELSE Yaris does, other than take selfies and sleep with Kendrick Lamar’s buddy, the answer is “being & doing,” which we’ve translated to “sorta kinda modeling…ish?”
Even if she’s unemployed, we’re in love and would totally let her mooch off us. With a figure and a face like that, does she really need to DO anything? We think the answer is NO. Check out more of her less NSFW images here. I promise you there’s one that’ll get you from six to midnight.
Happy Hump Day, everyone, and especially you, Yaris! Keep it up!