Hump Day Hottie: Yadira Borrego
Well hey there, Hump Day! You just snuck up on us, didn’t you?
We’ve noticed that there were a ton of “St. Patrick’s Day Hotties” posts all over the web this week, which we were totally down for, but when we scrolled through the pages and pages of Paddy’s-themed sexies, we were kinda appalled at how boring and basic and white-washed everyone was. So, we thought we’d divert from the prominent Skinny Redheads wearing green look this week and present something a little less conventional – this tattooed, busty, Latina beauty named Yadira Borrego. Top of the morning to you, Yadira!
Now, we know some guys out there aren’t into chicks with ink, but we gotta say, when it’s complimented by an ass like that and topped with that come-hither look, we are 100% DOWN. According to her Twitter bio, Yadira is a “CELEBRITY MOM/HOST/MODEL/BUSINESS WOMAN :)” and although we’ve never heard of her, we’re glad to welcome her into the prestigious Hump Day Hottie club, alongside the likes of Sofia Vergara and RiRi herself.
Happy Wednesday after St. Patrick’s Day – enjoy that pot o’ gold(en brown)!
December 15, 2014 @ 7:59 am
Want to meet you