Kids Not Allowed to Say Hump Day Anymore
I… I just don’t know what to think of this. On one hand, COME ON. There are people in offices who do this on a daily basis (I’m looking at you, Craig. Seriously, it’s not funny anymore) and no one is getting reprimanded for it (but seriously, Craig, stop). Way to suspend children who are responding to commercials EXACTLY THE WAY THE COMMERCIAL WAS MEANT TO BE RESPONDED TO.
I mean, what do you expect when kids watch a crap-load of TV, much of which is punctuated by this very (annoying) commercial? It doesn’t help that the word HUMP is so innocently used, but also implies something NOT innocent. Like, seriously, Vernon Center Middle School, shouldn’t you be concentrating on making sure none of your students work to become the next Farrah Abraham?
On the other hand, middle schoolers are the scourge of the planet and any attempt to curb their annoyingness is more than welcome. Man, I am so TORN!