What Was Your Favorite Skit on SNL This Weekend?
SNL started its 39th season this weekend, and although people ’round the internet are saying it was “blah” and “boring” and “too white” (that one might be a little true) and “bad, SNL hasn’t been good since 1990,” we thought there were some FANTASTIC moments. And since next week is being hosted by Miley Walking-Advertisement-For-Keeping-Your-Children-Out-Of-Show-Business Cyrus, which is GUARANTEED to be a train wreck, having the premiere hosted by Tina Fey was a solid choice.
Here are our top 3 moments… what were yours?
1. Girls Spoof
Hilarious. We all could use a little Blerta in our lives.
2. Boarding an airplane
3. E-meth
I once saw a guy try to smoke his e-cig in a restaurant, so this is extra-funny.
Other goodies: Drunk Uncle, the Obamacare cold opening (stay tuned tomorrow to find out if the government shuts down), and “New Cast Member or Arcade Fire”.