People Who Have More Sex Make More Money
What’s that? You think you need a college education and a once-in-a-lifetime internship to make big bucks? NOPE! Put down the heavy textbooks, cause all you need to roll in the dough is lots of rollin’ in the hay! According to a study by the Institute for the Study of Labor, an economic research institution, having sex four times a week will not only make you happier and healthier, but also WEALTHIER!
Via CBS News:
“Subjects who had sex four or more times a week made 5 percent more money in their employment wages than those who didn’t. Though the pay increase may seem small, it was large enough that the notable sum was not due to chance, Drydakis found.
Those who had more sex were also more likely to be outgoing and had lower rates of diabetes, heart diseases and arthritis.
Even in people with health issues, those who were having sex more frequently were more likely to make more money than those who weren’t having sex as often. The trend didn’t seem to change even when other factors like higher education, sexual orientation or what kind of job the person held were taken into account.”
Why does having more money and having more sex seem to go together? Well, unfortunately it seems to be a “which came first” situation. Does having more money mean you have more sex? Or does having more sex mean you’ll get richer? We may not ever know, but it’s safe to assume that having LESS sex on purpose is just a flat our bad idea, for both your insulin levels AND your pocketbook.
So sign into your OBC account right now and get laid. For the economy.