Digital Dating 101: Sexting
1. Be sure your recipient WANTS to be a sexting partner
There is nothing MORE of a turn off than receiving an unsolicited dick pic. Trust me on this one. Even over-the-top sexy talk can be a no-no if the person y
ou’re chatting with isn’t into it. You wouldn’t feel up a chick on the subway without asking first, so use the same courtesy over the phone.
2. Consider using an app like SnapChat to keep your pics off the web
SnapChat, despite some of its flaws, is still safer than sending a pic to someone and never knowing if it’s saved in a secret file titled “If She Pisses Me Off, Send To YouPorn”
3. Check, check, and TRIPLE CHECK to make sure your pics are going where you want them to
This is the mistake that so many high-profile folks have been making – accidentally Tweeting (instead of texting or DMing) their sexts. Say hello to the most embarrassing situation you could imagine. So before you hit send, ask yourself – IS THIS GOING WHERE I WANT IT TO GO? Oh, and on that note…
4. Don’t drink and sext
We know, it sounds impossible. But if you can refrain at LEAST from sending nude photos while drunk, you can at least partially ensure you won’t wake up the next morning and see a bleary eyed, pseudo-sexual photo of yourself with that dastardly “SENT” right under it.
5. Do unto others’ sexts as you would want them to do unto yours
I’m not sure if karma is really a thing, but there’s no harm in assuming. So when you get a sexy pic from someone, enjoy it (in whatever way you express your enjoyment) and then do the right thing and delete it. Don’t save it for future spank-bank material. Trust us, they’ll be more than happy to send a new one know that they can trust you won’t be showing all your friends.