The Groupon For Sex Toys
Only in 2013 would you read a news story about a website called DildoOfTheDay, but guess what, HERE WE ARE! Dildo of the Day is a Seattle-based site that buys sex toys in bulk and then offers a discount for a new product each day.
Via HuffingtonPost:
“It’s the Groupon of sex toys,” rep Ben Lehrer told HuffPost Weird News. “We only mark our toys up about $10 or $15. We’re not trying to own the sex toy market, rather we’re trying to get them to as many people as possible so they can explore their sexuality.”
Pretty great idea, right? According to Lehrer, they even have deals on top-of-the-line products like LELO vibrators, much hailed as the highest quality toys available today.
Get over to DOTD today and start your collection!