Couples With Cold Feet More Likely to Divorce
From the researchers that brought you “Water is Wet” and “Sun May In Fact Be Hot,” comes a new study that is more shocking and unbelievable than ever – couples who experience “cold feet” before their wedding are more likely to divorce!
The study, performed at UCLA, claims that when those about to get married were “unsure” about the nuptials, they were less likely to be satisfied in the relationship, and that women who admitted to “having doubts” before the wedding were 2.5 times more likely to divorce.
Via Gawker:
Among women, 19% who reported pre-wedding doubts were divorced four years later, compared with 8% who didn’t report having doubts. For husbands, 14% who reported doubts were divorced four years later, compared with 9% who didn’t report doubts.
The study was designed to refute the idea that all couples experience cold feet, which is an oft repeated claim, and seems to imply that doubt before a wedding might be indicative of a larger problem than just nerves.
Reason #34,001 not to get married: that little twinge of indecision you feel? IT’S REAL.
image via brokeassbride