Can A Woman’s Walk Tell You Her Sexual History?
Sometimes I wonder what scientists think about for when they’re sitting in their labs, brainstorming things to study. It’s gotta be hard to decide to research boring stuff like the life-cycle of the common housefly, when you could instead research that men can’t learn from hot women. Especially because most of the world cares WAY MORE about sex than the common housefly.
Needless to say, I can picture a guy in a lab coat watching a woman walk down the street in front of him and thinking, “I wonder how that girl is in bed,” and then a little light bulb going off in his head.”EUREKA! I shall study the correlation between a woman’s gait and her sexual history!” And then poof, this study is born.
According to TheDailyMail, researchers have learned that there is a relationship between the way a woman walks and her ability to orgasm from sex. The study, performed at Universiti Catholique de Louvain, Institut d’itudes de la famille et de la sexualiti, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (yes, I copy and pasted that), seems to give hope to men who like to imagine sleeping with the women in front of them at a crosswalk.
They took women with known histories of either vaginal orgasm or inability to orgasm from sex and videotaped them walking on the street, and their orgasmic status was judged by sexologists blind to their history.
‘In the sample of healthy young Belgian women, half of whom were vaginally orgasmic, history of vaginal orgasm that was triggered solely by penile-vaginal intercourse, was diagnosable at far better than chance.
The researchers think that, as well as having an effect on people’s mental health, orgasms can ‘loosen’ muscle groups.
They wrote: ‘Research has demonstrated the association between vaginal orgasm and better mental health. Some theories of psychotherapy assert a link between muscle blocks and disturbances of both character and sexual function. In Functional-Sexological therapy, one focus of treatment is amelioration of voluntary movement.
‘The present study examines the association of general everyday body movement with history of vaginal orgasm.’
Interesting idea, isn’t it? Could perhaps help guys who are looking to find a new booty call… “Excuse me ma’am, would you walk away from towards that wall for 12 to 18 paces with your normal gait? Don’t ask why.”
Needless to say, this is a funny (albeit likely useless) study to bring up at a party. However, guys, it’s PROBABLY not a good idea to approach a woman with anything remotely close to, “hey, your strut says you like to get pounded. Shall we?” It probably won’t end well.
Larry S
February 25, 2013 @ 7:05 am
Nice to listen and learn