Kate Upton Makes Us All Want Carl’s Jr.
Real quick tangent back to yesterday’s post about my Spirit Airlines/missing luggage/worst Monday morning ever incident: It should also be noted that while on a layover in Las Vegas at 7 am, I was forced to eat a WHOPPER from Burger King for breakfast. At the time, sleepy, hungover, and starving, the burger was like water from the spring of eternal life. But when I got home and sat at the computer to WORK, I realized that starting your day off with a “hamburger” from a 3rd tier fast food joint in the MCCARRAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT probably wasn’t the best idea in the world. I’ve felt terrible ever since, and have decided that I shan’t not touch fast food for the month of March to repent for my actions.
However, I am having a hard time holding by that promise after seeing this commercial for Carl’s Jr. which premiered during the Academy Awards on Sunday. The ad, which is strikingly reminiscent of Paris Hilton’s ad from 1860 (I think), stars recent Sports Illustrated cover model Kate Upton, and is receiving all sorts of reactions, from disgust, to shock, to boners (I would assume the ‘disgust’ folks have boners too, though). What do you think? Does this commercial make you want a Carl’s Jr. burger? Or does it just make you feel queasy and a little big ashamed, like I have felt for the past 24 hours?