TestiMOANial Tuesday
Isn’t it sad that the holidays are over? Those two weeks when you have the inalienable right to be gluttonous and drunk and sleepy all the time are OVER, and now it’s The New Year and people are making “resolutions” and “eating healthier” and “being less lazy” and that sounds TERRIBLE to me. I would just like to be fat and buzzed for all time, but apparently that’s not “acceptable” or “healthy.”
The one thing that DOES make me happy about stepping back into reality, however, is the return of TESTIMOANIAL TUESDAY! The one day a week when we get to share in the joy that so many are finding on OBC!
Check it:
“I think I found a keeper thanks obc ;^)” Female, 26, Red Springs, NC
“Me and my boo meet on here three months ago. At first it was just talking on the phone, then meeting in person and before you know it, he asked me to be his woman. I’ve been happy ever since.” Female, 34, Stockton, CA
“Found the love of my life… Thank you OBC!” Female, 41, Venice, CA
January 11, 2012 @ 2:08 pm
Find love? Your kidding right?