Kris Humphris is Filing for an Annulment
Talk about some spice for the Kardashian divorce scandal! It’s like if Kim took the salt and pepper and gently seasoned our steak, and Kris came over with a bottle of sriracha and said HOW ABOUT THAT?!
According to TheHuffingtonPost, Just weeks after Kim Kardashian filed for divorce from her husband of 72 days, Kris fired back, filing for an annulment. And annulment is only possible if the marriage is deemed never valid, like for example if the entire thing was fraud, which I’m pretty sure is the word that adorns the Kardashian family crest. “Kardashian… love, honor, FRAUD.”
“There’s a clear conflict if one spouse is seeking a divorce, but the other wants an annulment,” family law attorney Scott Weston, told People. “A judge will have to decide which to allow, which could take many months.”
I can only hope that after all this dust settles, Kris writes a tell all book talking about how their marriage was a publicity stunt and that Kim is actually a cyborg created by her mother and feeds off tabloid pages and silicone injections. Ohhhhh pretty please pretty please let that be the case. Although, if Kim is a cyborg, I’m sure there was a non-disclosure agreement. DAMN YOU, CYBORG KIIIIIMMMMM!!!!
December 3, 2011 @ 12:50 pm
i have always wondered why people have thought of kim and her family like they do.. CAN YOU NOT SEE HOW GREEDY THEY ARE ???? THE MOM WANTED TO TAKE THE KARDASHIAN NAME BACK.. TRUE LOSER THERE.. DIVORCE THE BROAD BRUCE !!! RUN WHILE YOU CAN !!!
December 3, 2011 @ 12:47 pm
what a fake kim and her family are