7 Reasons People Don’t Want to Get Married

We’re all for tying the knot if you’re ready, have asked the hard questions, and have already sowed your wild oats. However, there are plenty of reasons that people choose NEVER to get married — and here are a few from a recent poll on Reddit:
- “I don’t want to get married because it’s generally viewed as a monogamous thing, and I am not a monogamous creature. “
- “I don’t want to get married because married people seem miserable. Some hide it better than others, but almost every married couple I’ve ever known seems unhappy.”
- “Marriage seems to really benefit only men. Studies show that married men live longer than single men, but the reverse is true for women — marriage shortens a woman’s lifespan.”
- “I don’t want to get married because none of the most important relationships in my life involve a contract or any form of certification to ensure that they continue.”
- “I’ve seen the ugliest side of divorce, and that’s not something I’d ever willingly sign up for.”
- “I don’t see a point in getting married, outside of tax benefits, and I could marry a friend for those. Plus, if things go south, the idea of having to separate or divorce only makes that split more prolonged and difficult. “
- “I am asexual, so I don’t want or need a partner to fulfill my dreams. I prefer to be on my own or with close friends.”