7 Myths About Staying Single Longer

If you’ve ever thought, “I need to settle down now or I’ll be alone forever!” it’s time to sit down and listen to a few stories from some older singles who are saying – have you ever considered that’s not the worst thing ever?
While we’re not anti-marriage, we’re certainly opposed to getting hitched before you’re really ready, and these folks on BuzzFeed are happy to share that that time of readiness might not come for a long, long time. And that’s okay too!
“[One misconception is] that I don’t have a family. Even though I didn’t get married, I still have an extended family I can and do spend time with. My extra time outside of work is spent on endeavors of my choosing, whether with family or personal interest activities. There is also a friend group I’ve known for decades and see frequently. People need to stop projecting their insecurities onto others.”
“I think the biggest misperception is that I chose to be single, prioritized my career, or partied too much or whatever. None of that is true. The reality is that a man never chose me. I wanted to build a life with someone, but he just never showed up. So, I got on with it and built a life that didn’t require a man beside me to keep it afloat. Would I be happier if I were married? Who knows.”
“Most people have the preconceived notion that being single equals being lonely. There is a difference between being alone and being lonely. There are worse things out there than being lonely. As an established retiree, I have found people looking for financial stability instead of companionship, and they really don’t bring anything to the table but instead want to take away from it.”
“Myth: You’ll regret not getting married and having kids. I learned long ago by watching other people get married and deal with their spouse’s and kids’ problems that it wasn’t the life for me.”
“Myth: I’m too picky. Truth: I won’t settle to avoid being alone.”
“Myth: Something must be wrong with older single, never-married folks. Truth: Older singles are no more or less likely to be flawed human beings than any other group, but we may be on the deeper side and thus harder to know and/or have a harder time connecting as easily with others. Or, we have higher standards and never found the right one.”