5 Rules for Safe, Respectful Casual Dating

The season of booty calls is here, and that means singles are signing into the new OBC Dating app for iOS and Android, and meeting up with members for fun, casual dates and hook ups.
When engaging in casual sex, as with any other dating or hook up, it’s important to prioritize safety and respect for yourself and your partner. Here are some guidelines to help you have casual sex safely and respectfully:
- Communication: Open and honest communication is crucial. Before engaging in any sexual activity, have a conversation with your partner about boundaries, desires, and expectations. Discuss any preferences, limits, and safe words that may be necessary.
- Consent: Consent is essential for any sexual activity. Make sure you and your partner give enthusiastic and ongoing consent throughout the encounter. Consent should be clear, voluntary, and informed, and can be revoked at any time. Remember, silence or lack of resistance does not imply consent.
- Protection: Use barrier methods such as condoms, dental dams, or other appropriate protection to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies. Ensure that you and your partner are aware of and comfortable with using the necessary protection. Also, get tested regularly for STIs, and encourage your partner to do the same. Knowing your own and your partner’s STI status can help you make informed decisions about safer sex practices.
- Emotional Boundaries: Be clear about the nature of the encounter and any emotional expectations or limitations. Casual sex doesn’t necessarily involve a commitment, but it’s important to be honest about your intentions to avoid misunderstandings or hurt feelings.
- Non-judgmental Attitude: Be non-judgmental about your partner’s sexual history or preferences. Everyone has different experiences and desires, and it’s important to create a safe and accepting space for open communication!
Now, take those tips and get out there and meet your summer booty call on OBC Dating!