3 Grandmas Try Pot For the First Time
It’s Thursday, and we’re starting to jones for the weekend. Ready to toss back a few shots and kick back with our friends and maybe get our dance on and DEFINITELY find a booty call nearby using OBC. SOME of us, maybe those who live in California or Colorado or New York or one of the many other states that have decriminalized marijuana – might perhaps take part in a little bit o’ pot-smoking. Y’know, like we might ROAST A BONE… or TAKE A BONG TOKE… or ROLL A BLUNT. We’re especially feelin’ it after watching this hilarious video of three grandmas smoking pot for the very first time. They get confused, eat snacks, and play Jenga – basically the high-as-kite trifecta of happiness.
Check out this video of three happy-as-a-(really f*%$ing high)-clam grannies getting stoned off their faces, and then remember – you still have two full days of work before the weekend. Sorry – you have a long time till you can enjoy some of that sweet, sweet kush.
Have a good day!
November 23, 2014 @ 2:52 pm
I want to have a booty call with someone’s grandmother