3 Drinks To Avoid Before Summer

Memorial Day is frequently considered the start of Summer. Finally May Gray has ended, and assuming your state doesn’t suck and have to deal with June Gloom, it’s sunshine and bathing suits from here until September. Guess what that means, ladies and gentlemen: time to slim down for Summer! The obvious way to lose a few pounds is by cutting back on fast food and hitting the gym more than once every two weeks, but Men’s Health recently came out with a list of the worst common smoothies to avoid while you’re trying to build your best summer bod. Here’s the run down on the top 3.
3. McDonald’s Triple Thick Chocolate Shake: 1,160 calories
Falling at number three is a shake made in a place that you should probably avoid all together if you’re trying to lose weight. However, this shake takes the fat cake at almost half your daily allowance of calories. To put it in dessert perspective, you could instead eat 13 of their apple pies or 8 vanilla ice cream cones.
2. Smoothie King’s Peanut Power Plus Grape: 1,498 calories
The equivalent of 20 Reese’s Peanut Butter cups. That’s what you should imagine before you sip this fat-filled smoothie. You know the feeling you get after eating 5 Reese’s? Now imagine your poor stomach going through that 4 times over. Not okay for your organ lining or your board shorts’ waist band.
1. The Cold Stone PB&C milkshake: 2,010 calories
The fact that when you walk into Cold Stone it smells like someone is baking a cake inside your nostrils should be the first sign that you should make a beeline out of the shop if you’re trying to look good in your sexy Summer threads. With almost as many calories as your recommended daily intake, you are able to afford one of these, and perhaps a saltine, if you’re trying to lose weight. Oh, and it has 68 grams of saturated fat, if you’re into that.
It’s crunch time, kids- so forgo your usual fattening desserts and instead add protein and healthier fruits and vegetables to your diet, and you’ll be lookin’ bangin’ in your suit in no time!
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