3 Dating Myths

Dating in 2020 is a barrel of WTFs, as you navigate Zoom happy hours and hand sanitizer and not kissing until a negative PCR test is presented.
- Playing hard to get is attractive
There’s a fine line between looking desperate and confident, but in general, there’s nothing to be gained by pretending to be less interested than you are. Think he or she is hot and wanna see them again? Say so!
2. Women should wait for men to make the first move
BE GONE with this ridiculous rule! Ladies, men love it when you’re assertive and show you know what you want. Ask HIM on a date. If he feels like his manhood has been affected, he clearly has other issues.
3. Don’t talk politics or religion
While no one likes someone harping on and on about their political views uninvited, or pretending to be someone they aren’t, there’s nothing wrong with bringing these so-called “off limits” topics to the table. Even if you two are on completely different pages, hey – hate sex is always fun too.