3 Aphrodisiacs You’ve Never Heard Of

When it comes to eating and drinking to get in the mood, we’ve heard of several aphrodisiac treats, like figs and citrus fruits, but there are a few other ones recently featured in an article over at VICE that we hadn’t heard of.
This VICE writer gamely tried a bunch of aphrodisiacs in a week to see how they affected his sex drive… and while some worked, others did not. See how his results went, and give them a try yourself!
- Goji Berries – Supposedly nicknamed “happy berries” in China, goji berries are supposed to not only improve your mood, but also increase the libido of all genders. There’s even an ancient Chinese proverb that goes something like: “He who travels one thousand kilometres from home should not eat goji”, although it’s unclear if goji berry sellers just made this up for their PR releases. Anyway, such is the power of these horny little fruits. Horny level: 4
- Maca Root – Unlike some of the aphrodisiacs on this list, some studies have shown maca root to increase sex drive in men and decrease sexual dysfunction in postmenopausal women. One type – black maca – even increased sperm count in rats. I am neither man, rat, nor postmenopausal, but figured there’d be no harm in trying. So I popped a couple of these babies (which, strangely, smell like milk) and waited for the horn to kick in. Horny level: 8.5
- Damiana – I decided to go for a different approach for the fifth day: Damiana – an ancient, smokable herb. We actually have a lot of damiana lying around the house because it looks and smells like weed, but crucially is not weed, and therefore means you smoke less weed. It’s also – only anecdotally – a powerful aphrodisiac and works by increasing circulation and making the sex organs (sorry for saying “sex organs”) more sensitive. After having a few puffs and stirring some into my tea, I thought I’d be climbing the walls. Horny level: 6