2020: The Year of Breakups

Pandemic, civil unrest, murder hornets – at this point we all probably wake up each day wondering, “what else does 2020 have to dish up?” And it turns out, the icing on this cake full of hornets is a massive surge in broken hearts.
Via PR Newswire:
[New research suggests] that 2020 has seen the most breakups compared to the last three years, both nationally and internationally.
- In the past month, [dating websites] have seenĀ an uptickĀ in newly single users signing up online
- When surveying current users, [research] found that 67% of users have admitted they went through a break up in the last year, which is a significant increase from last year’s findings of only 34% admitted to have gone through a break up
- Out of the 67% of those respondents who said they have ended relationships in 2020, 49% said that they lived with their significant other, while only 18% said they weren’t cohabiting
- Out of those living with their ex-partner, 25% revealed they realized living together caused many fights, which ended with separation.
- 15% of respondents who reported a break up during quarantine revealed they discovered unfavorable characteristics within their partner that led to the end of their relationship
- Nearly 75% of this group claim they signed up for a dating site to effectively move on during the limited social-distancing era.
So, if you’re a part of the crowd calling it quits – don’t worry, you’re part of a big team. Join singles at OnlineBootyCall.com to meet locals for steamy chats, swapping photos, and enjoying the Single Life!