1 in 5 Women Choose Facebook Over Sex
Men, looks like it’s time to start working on your bedroom skills. According to a poll by Cosmopolitan magazine, 20% of women would rather give up sex for a week than Facebook, and over half of them would go without sex if it meant they could keep their cell phones and computers. NO BUENO, HOMBRES.
The magazine’s poll of 2,000 readers seems to show that women are more attached to their digital relationships than their real life ones, although it could just show that Cosmo readers are prudish gossipy b*tches. Let’s lean towards the prior, shall we? According to SocialHype.com,
Scientists have found that Facebook and other online interactions can release a hormone that is also released during orgasm which often gives people the feeling of falling in love and simulate the love making experience. After that finding, it doesn’t seem so shocking that one in five women would go without sex for a week if they had to choose between a hot date versus status updates. Guaranteed satisfaction.
Yikes, guys. Something needs to change in the sexual status-quo if women are more satisfied perusing their friends’ Facebook updates than they are after a between-the-sheets romp. More foreplay? Less glorification of unattainable body types? Less jack-hammering and more makin’ out? Whatever it is, we hope that it happens. We can’t have a whole generation of women passing out “likes” instead of BJs. It could be the end of civilization.
October 22, 2011 @ 11:50 pm
I don’t know about the other ladies but would rather make out then have sex. I’m a 35 year old female who has never had an orgasm with a man until last week. Would rather take care of him and then go back and play with my toy… and hope he doesn’t take too much time getting off. Now, I can’t get this guy out of my system. When I asked him how he managed to do something that I had given up hope of having his reply was he watched my reactions. Guys, read a book, watch her reactions; just take care of her needs because it will make all the difference in if she will want you as much as you want her. I know, because I’m in a no strings attached relationship with a man I can’t get enough of….